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WISE Waikato Integrated Scenario Explorer Technical specifications Version 1.6

TR 2021/32

Report: TR 2021/32

Authors: Landcare Research (Hamilton), National Institute of Demographic and Economic Analysis (University of Waikato, Hamilton), National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research (Hamilton), Research Institute for Knowledge Systems (Maastricht, The Netherlands), Market Economics Ltd (Takapuna), Alchemists Ltd (Invercargill), Waikato Regional Council, Hamilton National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research (Wellington), National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research (Christchurch), CLIMsystems Ltd (Hamilton)


Creating Futures was a 4-year project (2006-2010) funded by the New Zealand Foundation for Research, Science and Technology.

The project brought together an interdisciplinary team consisting of a regional council and social, environmental and economic researchers. The project aimed to develop new methods and tools to support integrated, long-term planning by:
1) developing processes to evaluate, deliberate, and choose regional futures through scenario analysis and multi-criteria deliberation frameworks, and
2) developing an integrated spatial decision support system (ISDSS), dubbed the Waikato Integrated Scenario Explorer or WISE, to support the evaluation and deliberation processes.

Together those tools were designed to help councils identify links and explore trade-offs between economic, environmental and social/cultural outcomes and the cumulative effects of many decisions over space and time.

This report outlines the technical specifications for WISE Version 1.6.