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Milestone plan reflects strong collaboration

Published: 23/09/2022

Waikato regional councillors have voted unanimously during the last meeting of the triennium to adopt a transport business case developed by Future Proof as part of its Hamilton-Waikato Metropolitan Plan work.

“This plan will take 30 years to implement and over that time we will see a radical shift in transport, with the introduction of rapid and frequent public transport, and a significant increase in walking and cycling infrastructure,” said Mark Tamura, the council’s Regional Transport Connections Director.

During discussion, councillors pointed to the plan as an example of what can come out of great collaboration. The business case has been developed with significant input and support from Waikato Regional Council, local city and district councils, central government entities and mana whenua.

Mr Tamura told councillors it was important that all partners are aligned. “We are, and it will transform how we all get around the metropolitan area in the future.”

Through a series of integrated elements, the aim is to reduce deaths and serious injuries resulting from the transport systems, provide reliable and efficient freight tasks, deliver alternative mode options that are preferable to private cars for the majority of trips, reduce carbon emissions to achieve net zero transport by 2050, and provide equitable transport and mobility choices for all.  

This will be achieved through the establishment of rapid and frequent public transport corridors, strong micro mobility networks, land use intensification, initiatives to support productivity of the metro area freight hubs and corridors, and a rural and regional access programme.

Already the public transport components of the business case have been integrated in the new regional public transport plan.

The Hamilton-Waikato Metropolitan Plan is a 30-year vision and framework for how the metro area will grow and develop to create one of the most liveable places in New Zealand. At its core is Hamilton, with the metro area extending from Taupiri in the north to Te Awamutu and Cambridge in the south.  Read more about it at

This council meeting was livestreamed. To watch it, go to