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Wharekawa Harbour and Catchment Management Plan

TR 2009/12

Report: TR 2009/12

Author: Emily O'Donnell


The Wharekawa Harbour and Catchment Management Plan was created from a desire by the community to protect and enhance social, cultural, environmental and economic values in the community. It was done with the foresight of future generations so that they too would be able to live, work and play in the catchment.

This document has been prepared to provide a snapshot of the condition of the catchment at the time of inspection. It aims to provide sound recommendations for landowners, stakeholders and interest groups to remedy issues identified. The plan is not statutory but is influenced by local and national policies and plans.

Significant features of the catchment include:

  • landscape values
  • recreational values and access
  • cultural and historical sites
  • flora and fauna – including threatened and rare bird species
  • coastal wetland areas
  • generally good water quality
  • a proactive community.

Key issues current and potential are:

  • the perceived and actual impact of forestry activities
  • potential for urban development
  • declining aquatic and terrestrial
  • evidence of a general decline in water quality
  • changes in harbour vegetation – encroachment of mangroves into sea grass habitat and the expansion of Salt water Paspalum
  • impact of animal and plant pests.

Recommended actions and implementation methods are:

  • retirement of riparian margins wetlands, forest fragment and harbour fringe
  • soil conservation and habitat enhancement planting in retired areas
  • pest control – Both plant and animal pest as identified in the Regional Pest Management Strategy
  • river management and maintenance
  • vegetation management in the harbour.

Estimated total cost of works is $628,000.00 actual costs will depend on the uptake of work, landowner contribution and industry price increases.

The success of this plan relies on the up take and good will of the landowners and interest groups within the Wharekawa catchment. A number of projects and initiatives are well underway within the catchment already, so, if a plan is only as good as the community that drives it then this plan and its community, are destined for great things.

Wharekawa Harbour and Catchment Management Plan [PDF, 2.1 MB]